The name of the french horn is actually a misnomer: in fact, the horn is a German innovation. With roots in the earliest and humblest of monotone hunting horns, today’s double french horn is now an engineering marvel combining almost twenty feet of interwoven brass tubing and slides.

Some players find it is good practice to develop the foundations of technique and tone on a single french horn before stepping up to a double. It is lighter than the double french horn and somewhat easier to play. However, as the player becomes more advanced, it is likely that they will need to graduate to a double horn, which is the standard professional instrument.

The double horn is actually two instruments fit snugly into a single frame: the original single horn keyed in F, and a second, higher horn keyed in Bb. Opening the fourth rotary valve on this type of horn accesses the second sides higher tone, plus it adjusts the three main valves into proportionate slide lengths.
Why Play the French Horn?
Listen as Staff Sergeant Becky McLaughlin describe the french horn and why she likes playing this instrument.
Which French Horn Should I Choose?
The Orchestra Place requires all students to have an instrument from the teacher-approved brand list to ensure the best experience and sound for the student and the ensemble.
For a single french horn, we recommend the Eastman EFH360 Single F French Horn for its quality and ease of playing.
Eastman EFH360 Single F French Horn
The Andreas Eastman EFH 360 French Horns are designed to give the player confidence and ease of playing. With several possibilities of wrap, Eastman Winds has chosen the popular Kruspe style to enter this market. Each horn features a mouthpipe that is specially tapered for an open sound, even response throughout the registers, and accurate intonation. Hand-lapped and tapered valves with tapered bearings allow for quick spatula response and a professional feel. Both the valve slides and tuning slides have been hand-lapped and hand-fit surpassing many French horns in the field. All ANDREAS EASTMAN French horns feature brass inner tubes and nickel silver outer tubes. These features set the ANDREAS EASTMAN line of French horns apart in both quality of design and construction and beauty of sound.
For the double french horn, we recommend the Jupiter Double F/Bb French Horn for its quality and affordability.
Jupiter Double F/Bb French Horn
The Jupiter model JHR1110 Double F/Bb French Horn possesses the tonal color and transparency well suited for any performance. The Geyer wrap reduces resistance and helps produce remarkable volume. It features a lacquered brass body, rose brass leadpipe, 4 string-link tapered rotary valves, Geyer wrap, .472” bore, 11.9” bell, wood-frame case (KC-54B). With the many professional features, the JHR1110 can take a student through their collegiate education.
Back to topHow Much Should a French Horn Cost?
A student single french horn will cost roughly $1600-$3000 and a double from $2000-$5000.
Back to topRent-to-Own or Lease-to-Own French Horn Options
Installment plans are an excellent option if you’re ready to make the commitment of buying an instrument but can benefit from deferred payments. This way, you get the freedom to pay over time, with the ultimate reward of owning the instrument. If you choose a rent-to-own or lease-to-own option, however, it’s important to check the fine print to make sure there are no hidden fees, and you should investigate the cancellation policy as well. Never sign up for a plan that traps you into payments if your child loses interest in playing an instrument. Look also for retailers who offer affordable damage protection during the installment term.
Our instrument supplier, The Instrument Place, offers teacher-approved instruments and one of the best interest-free lease-to-own programs as part of their commitment to getting an instrument in the hands of every person who wishes to play, without it being a financial burden.
Back to topRecommended French Horn Accessories
When buying a french horn, look for a store that offers all the accessories your child will need in order to best use and maintain it. Along with your purchase, check that a protective carrying case, mouthpiece, slide cleaning rod, lint-free polishing cloth, and slide oil are included or can be added. Some other items you could also pick up are a cleaning snake, mouthpiece brush, and tuning slide grease.
If given the option to purchase a music stand, go for it! A music stand promotes proper playing posture, which helps to prevent back aches and hunching over.
The Instrument Place instrument outfits come equipped with everything needed to get started in class, plus a free music stand with every instrument purchase!
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