Practice the following songs for our Spring Concert!
Piano 3:15
- Page 8 Song 13, Hot Cross Buns
- Page 9 Song 15, Going Home
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
Violins 3:45
- Twinkle Twinkle
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
Ukuleles 4:15
- Page 11, Eleanor Rigby
- Page 23, This Land is Your Land
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
Winds 4:45
- Page 9 Song 19, Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Page 9 Song 20, Bad News Bears
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
Previous Weeks:
What we practiced this week- December 4th
Piano 3:15
- Please practice Bad News Bears on page 5! Remember to put your thumb on C, left of two black keys.
Violins 3:45
- Please work through all of Haydn’s Theme on page 2. Make sure fingers are right on the finger tapes, and get more sound by using more bow.
Ukuleles 4:15
- Please practice Three Little Birds and work on switching between C, F and G chords! If your thumb gets tired of strumming, use a different finger.
Winds 4:45
- Please work on Hot Cross Buns! Warm up by playing our 5 notes (Bb C D Eb F for flute, C D E F G for trumpet).
What we practiced this week- November 13th
Piano 3:15
- Please practice songs 7-8 on page 5.
- Remember to count carefully, it’s not a race!
Violins 3:45
- Please keep practicing Haydn’s theme on page 2.
- Remember to practice slowly, chunk by chunk, and then put it all together.
Ukuleles 4:15
- Keep practicing Three Little Birds.
- Try finding G chord with your eyes closed, you can do it!
Winds 4:45
- Please keep working on Bumper Cars on page 6.
- Remember to save your air and keep corners tight trumpets!
What we practiced this week- November 6th
Piano 3:15
- Please practice song 5 on page 5.
- Remember to use your right hand thumb in C, NOT your pointer finger!
Violins 3:45
- Please practice Haydn’s Theme on page 2!
- Make sure your rhythm is steady and your half notes are long enough.
Ukuleles 4:15
- Please practice Three Little Birds!
- Remember to practice finding G chord slowly, and then release your hand to find it again.
Winds 4:45
- Please practice Bumper Cars on page 6!
- Remember to take deep breaths, and trumpets keep corners tight!
- Good sound comes from steady air, not hard blowing.
What we practiced this week- October 30th
Piano 3:15
- Please work on song 3 in your book!
- Remember to find C by finding two black keys and sliding off to the left.
Violins 3:45
- Keep working on your D scale up and down!
- Practice getting your most beautiful bow sound.
Ukuleles 4:15
- Keep working on G chord!
- Remember to use tall pointy fingers to get the clearest sound on your chords.
Winds 4:45
- Keep practicing your C D and E (trumpets) and B flat C and D (flute), and practice Hot Cross Buns in your book!
What we practiced this week- October 23rd
Pianos (3:15) Please work on songs 1-2 in your book. Make sure your piano fingers are curved and that you’re using thumb and index 1st and 2nd) fingers to play C and D.
Violins (3:45) Please work on song number 1 in your book, and keep playing your D scale. Remember to practice our new bow hold with thumb in between the stick and the hair.
Ukes (4:15) Please practice finding your new G chord, and try switching to and from G from other chords. Practice Eleanore Rigby from your book!
Winds (4:45) Please practice songs 1-3 in your new books! Make sure your getting the right note from your instrument by keeping corners of the mouth tight and low (trumpets only).
What we practiced this week- October 16th
Piano 3:15
- Please make your own 8-note song this week using the notes C, D, E, F and G!
- Practice using curved piano fingers.
- Play along with these helpful videos!
Violins 3:45
- Please make your own 8-note song this week using open strings G D A or E.
- Try using the bow for your song!
Ukuleles 4:15
- Please practice your C, C7, F and Am chords.
- See how quickly you can play each chord in a row!
Winds 4:45
- Please practice the 5 notes we worked on in class (trumpet C D E F G, flute B flat C D E flat F).
- See how long you can hold one note!
What we practiced this week- October 2nd
Piano 3:15
- Practice finding mountains, hills, and C (left of the hill).
- Practice using your 5 piano fingers, starting with thumb on C!
Violins 3:45
- Practice getting in rest position, ready position and play position.
- Practice some plucking on open strings, G D A E!
Ukuleles 4:15
- Practice finding C chord, F chord and A minor chord.
- See if you can switch between them!
Winds 4:45
- Practice getting a good sound on instrument, trumpets buzz and flute blows air.