Welby Way

Tuesdays (2:40PM - 4:40PM)

Practice the following music for our Spring Concert!

Mrs. Suzanna's Classes

Violin 2:40 (BROWN)

Today we worked very hard on FROLIC and PIANO TANGO. Know what string you are on.
PLEASE practice how to hold the bow with the Letter “L” and pluck with your index finger.
Super Mario Bros will be the first piece next week – so practice that one too.
Twinkle, Old McDonald, Lightly Row.

Violin 3:20 (YELLOW)

BRAVO TO YOU ALL!  Nice playing ALL 3 Taped in Songs!
Piano Tango needs more work!
Continue practicing the plucking with holding your bow with the Letter “L” and plucking with your index finger!
Symph No. 1, Shepherd’s Hey, Ode to Joy

Strings 4:00 (BROWN)

Today we worked very hard on FROLIC and PIANO TANGO.  Know what string you are on.
PLEASE practice how to hold the bow with the Letter “L” and pluck with your index finger.
Super Mario Bros will be the first piece next week – so practice that one too.
Pencil & Eraser Walts, Clowns of Paris, Ode to Joy

Helpful Videos:

Ukulele Book Tutorials

What we practiced this week- December 8th

Mrs. Suzanna’s Classes


Violin 2:40

  • Nice playing today!! Practice FRENCH FIRES & KARATE CHOP on Page 12.
    If you want to continue; go on to Page 13 BUT you must pencil in the finger numbers!

    Mystery FUN: Color the french fries YELLOW and the soccer ball light blue on Page 13.

Violin 3:20

  • Play UP ON THE HOUSETOP for your family and friens over break – so keep on practicing it!
    Continue with SPRING on Page 14 and then go on to LARGO on Page 15.
    Dotted quarter note followed by a quick 8th note.  Say “Wel-come home” for this rhythm!

    Mystery FUN: Draw the planet Earth above the word WORLD on Page 15!

Strings 4:00

  • Nice Playing!  Remember to check out your BOW GRIP. Violinists: Violin should be parallel to the floor – stand up straight!
    JUNGLE BELLS on Page 21 – with the LIFT mark (put bow back to the frog position); Page 22 Old MacSonald with the NEW REPEAT SIGN and then
    Page 23 London Bridge and then DOTTED HALF NOTE songs Three Counts Each and Careful Counter.

    Mystery FUN: Color the bard red and add cows in the field on Page 22.


Mr. Jamie’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • We started by going around the room. We heard songs ranging from Knock, Knock, to Puppy Dogs, to Jingle Bells RH only
  • We went over the LH and Knock Knock as a class
  • We worked on Jingle Bells some more and Dreidel Dreidel
  • HW is to Pick a song before Knock, Knock to play HT, #82 Jingle Bells RH and any other holiday songs they can find as bonus (ex. Dreidel Dreidel)

Winds 3:20

  • HW for Adam is Keep on Blowing, and to again review the clarinet page on the Orchestra Place Site
  • HW for Elijah is Apple For Teacher, Dreidel Dreidel for Bonus
  • The rest of the class played for me sectionally. All of them did better than they thought. I’m so proud of them
  • HW for the other kids is Jingle Bells, Dreidel, Dreidel, and Bumper Cars

Advanced Winds 4:00

  • We played Yankee Doodle. Almost everyone was on the same page. We worked on rhythm and staying together when playing as a group, and caught up friends who had trouble.
  • Next, we played through the holiday songs in the purple book and listened to “All I Want For Christmas” By Mariah Carey
  • HW is When the Saints for everyone
  • HW for flutes is the challenge assignment or to bring one thing from outside class to present next time.
  • Challenge assignment (just screenshot): Trombonefluteclarinettrumpet

Mr. Alex’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Broken keyboard: Lorelai; needs to get a new one! It was much too quiet anyways.
    Ana should also get newer, better keyboard.
    In class, we reviewed using BOTH HANDS to play the piano! Our LEFT HAND THUMB (1st finger left hand) goes on the note G below middle C, and our right thumb goes on middle C as usual. Then we played Knock Knock on page 21!
    We also did Are You Sleeping. If you want a right-hand challenge, try the melody part for it!
    We made it to our toughest challenge yet: playing Lefty Two Note on page 23. This song has us pressing and holding the left hand G and low C using thumb and pinky, while the right hand plays a part at the same exact time!
    Homework: page 21 – 23; Focus on page 23; do Are You Sleeping melody for a challenge!

Piano 3:20

  • In class, we reviewed More Snake Charmer, as well as Jingle Bells!
    We also started on two new ones: the Super Mario theme (which I will pass out the music for this upcoming week), and Moonlight Sonata on pg 95. It’s not as hard as you’d think!
    Homework: page 50, 52, 55; Jingle Bells – write in notes (if necessary); Moonlight Sonata

Ukulele 4:00

  • We practiced how to play the tough chord B flat (spelled Bb) on page 21, for the song Yankee Doodle. The goal is for most of us to play the chords for Yankee Doodle, while two students (Praneel and Elian) pluck the melody part.
    We reviewed the Down, Down up, Up down strum pattern that we’ll be using for Somewhere Over The Rainbow.
    We worked on the Wellerman Song on page 25, which needs practice since it has some tough chords.
    We also worked on Blues Dues chords, while some of us played the melody part by plucking!
    Homework: page 20, 21, 24, 25
    Praneel homework: page 20 and 21 chords AND single note melodies.
    Donel homework: We have gotten pretty far in the book, so you will need to watch these helpful ukulele videos in order to catch up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6w816igy_Jg&list=PLrb5PXQ4vCnDc-rkO60QhILYNOkv6NxD5
    It goes slowly and step-by-step for every single page of the book. If you watch these, you will be up to speed in no time.

What we practiced this week- December 1st

Mrs. Suzanna’s Classes


Violin 2:40

  • ALRIGHT!  We are starting to use our fingers on the tapes.
    NEW: Half note gets 2 beats. WHOLE NOTE gets 4 beats.
    Practice songs on Page 10 and then WRITE in finger numbers for Page 11!

    Mystery FUN: Draw a RED bow around the lamb’s neck.

Violin 3:20

  • Lo Yisa Goy is starting to sound GREAT – keep on practicing that song!
    Practrce UP ON THE HOUSETOP because it’s almost that time….
    Page 14 : we have started Spring Theme by Antonio Vivialdi!  We added UP BOW markings: “ V “
    UPBOW = move your bow to the LEFT.
    Practice the Spring song with all of the UP BOWS!

    Mystery FUN: Draw a bird under the number 14!

Strings 4:00

  • Practice TWINKLE on Page 18. Make sure you NAME THE NOTES on the bottom.
    Go to Page 19 and trace the DOWN BOW and UP BOW marks.
    Play # 47-49.
    Check your bow grip!

    Mystery FUN: Draw a Pot of Honey next to the bear on Page 19

Mr. Jamie’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • We started by going around to the people who wanted to play individually and listening to them. They did great! We heard a variety of songs including G Wiz and Mary Had A Little Lamb
  • We learned about using the LH then applied that to #33 Knock, Knock
  • We learned Jingle Bells RH from the board
  • HW is Jingle Bells in the book, RH only, if they’re up to it. HW is also Knock Knock. Bonus if they pick a RH song then learn it LH/HT

Winds 3:20

  • We separated into two groups – flutes and 2/3 clarinets, and Elijah (Sax), Eddie (Trumpet), and Adam (Clarinet)
  • The first group worked on Dreidel, Dreidel and a few other songs from earier in the book. Flutes continued to improve their embouchures and Clarinets continued to build on their awesome skills while ironing out some finger placement issues
  • HW for Flutes and Clarinets is to continue working on whatever they did in class
  • Eddie is doing great HW for him is Bumper Cars
  • HW for him is to memorize B, C, A, and D by name since he can play them but not ID them by name. More importantly he is expected to come prepared and follow instructions without being defiant or offering excuses, henceforth.

Advanced Winds 4:00

  • We went around and listened to friends who wanted to play for us. We heard selections ranging from Smurf Songs to Ode to Joy.
  • We worked on every holiday song we could find in the purple book, and a few that were not
  • HW is Yankee Doodle for everyone who has a blue green book. HW for the flutes who still don’t have that book is to find and present a holiday song that is not in either book

Mr. Alex’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Homework coming soon

Piano 3:20

  • Homework coming soon

Ukulele 4:00

  • Homework coming soon

What we practiced this week- November 17th

Mrs. Suzanna’s Classes


Violin 2:40

  • Great job!  We are now starting to put our fingers on the tapes on the fingerboard!
    Make sure:  THUMB on STICKER
    First Finger on First Tape
    Second Finger on Second Tape
    BOW on the D STRING
    BOW GRIP looks like the drawing on Page 7!!! 🙂 Remember the PENCIL HOLD I showed you! FINGER TIPS on the wood. Same for BOW STICK.
    Practice all the songs on Pages 8 & 9: “E” and “F#”.
    Mystery FUN: Draw a YELLOW banana on page 8 and color the sleeve GREEN on page 9.

Violin 3:20

  • Continue working on LO YISA GOY on Page 10.
    Practice THIS OLD MAN and OLD MAC DONALD on Page 13.
    On Page 14, start looking at – write in finger numbers- look at 8th notes – for SPRING THEME. Put a “V” upbow for the first note! We will add more “V” upbows in class: bring a pencil!
    Mystery FUN: Draw a BLACK TOP HAT on the old man and a BROWN chicken on Page 13

Strings 4:00

  • Great job playing today!
    Today we learned Finger on the A String: B! 
    Practice All songs on Page 17 and then TWINKLE on Page 18.
    Pencil in your finger numbers and then NAME THE NOTES at the bottom of Page 18.
    Make sure:  THUMB on STICKER
    First Finger on First Tape
    Second Finger on Second Tape (CELLO: 3rd finger on tape!)
    BOW on the D STRING
    BOW GRIP looks like the drawing on Page 7!!! 🙂 Remember the PENCIL HOLD I showed you! FINGER TIPS on the wood. Same for BOW STICK.
    Mystery FUN: Draw a flower on Page 17 and then color the Pencils YELLOW on Page 18

Mr. Jamie’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Today we started with G Wiz and went through Mary Had a Little Lamb
  • In the process we reviewed the dotted half note, whole note, and whole rest
  • Then we skipped forward to pg. 21, learned about the LH and played Knock, Knock
  • HW is go as far as they can with RH songs and play it for class. HW is also Knock, Knock. Bonus if they can flip a RH song to LH. Double bonus if they can play that song HT

Winds 3:20

  • We worked on Keep On Blowin’ and Mary Had A Little Lamb. 
  • Clarinets also have learned A/about the A Key. HW for them Dreidel, Dreidel, further if they can. They’re doing great!
  • Flutes worked some more on embouchure and had some major breakthroughs. They were also lovely, and they work as a team which makes me so happy. HW for them is Bumper Cars. 

Advanced Winds 4:00

  • HW For Atticus is pg.s 4 and 5 in the Blue Book
  • HW is Dreidel Dreidel, Jolly Old St. Nick, and Beautiful Brown Eyes

Mr. Alex’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • In class, we warmed up with the Cabbage Song on page 13, which is sounding better and better.
  • Next, we looked at how to move our fifth finger (right hand pinky) up to the note A for the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!
  • It shows us how to do this on page 15.
  • Then, we looked at the full song on page 16!
  • Happy Thanksgiving break everyone!
  • Homework: page 13 – 16!

Piano 3:20

  • In class, we reviewed More Snake Charmer, which is tough to play using both hands.
  • We also played with the left hand triad (low C, E, and G) in the song Jingle Bells! It sounded better this week.
  • We went over how to write in our own notes using FACE and EGBDF (every good boy does fine, on the line!). We tested our abilities to read notes using this.
  • Please write in the notes you need to for Jingle Bells.
  • Happy Thanksgiving break everyone!
  • Homework: page 50, 52, 55; Jingle Bells – write in notes (if necessary)!

Ukulele 4:00

  • We reviewed our regular G chord on page 17, and then reviewed playing the melody lines of songs by plucking single notes. We learned this from page 13 to 15. 
  • We also played the chords AND the single notes melody for Mary Had a Little Lamb on page 16! 
  • We managed to learn how to play the tough chord B flat (spelled Bb) on page 21, for the song Yankee Doodle. In addition to playing the chords for this song, you may ALSO play the whole melody line of the song. If you don’t know how to read the notes without letters, please reference the previous pages to figure out each note!
  • Lastly, we introduced ourselves to the chords D minor, G minor, and A7 on page 24.
  • Then, we heard the Wellerman Song on page 25, which is our next goal in playing ukulele!
  • Happy Thanksgiving break everyone!
  • Homework: page 13 – 17; 20, 21; 24 and 25
  • Praneel homework: page 36 and 37
  • Donel homework: We have gotten pretty far in the book, so you will need to watch these helpful ukulele videos in order to catch up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6w816igy_Jg&list=PLrb5PXQ4vCnDc-rkO60QhILYNOkv6NxD5
  • It goes slowly and step-by-step for every single page of the book. If you watch these, you will be up to speed in no time.

What we practiced this week- November 3rd

Mrs. Suzanna’s Classes


Violin 2:40

  • How’s that PRACTICE CHART coming along!?
    Continue working on your Bow Grip – make sure it looks just like the drawing on Page 7.

    Today we learned Finger 1 E on the D string – on the 1st finger tape.
    Make sure your thumb is on the sticker and then place Finger 1 on the tape on the D string!! Does your hand look like the drawing on Page 8?
    Practice all songs on Page 8.

    Mystery FUN: draw a horse next to the word s MR.ED and color it BROWN & WHITE on Page 8

Violin 3:20

  • How’s that PRACTICE CHART coming along!?
    8th notes are our friends!! 🙂
    Practice the last 4 lines of LO YISA GOY, then go on to Symphony No. 1 by Brahms and then turn the page and practice ALL the songs on Pages 12 & 13!

    Mystery FUN: Draw grey smoke coming out of BOTH chimneys on Page 12 and the draw a RED BARN after the word MACDONALD!

Strings 4:00

  • Congratulations: You have learned the Finger 3 G note on the D String for VIOLINS and Finger 4 for CELLO!
    KEEP ALL FINGERS DOWN – you are just ADDING them to the Fingerboard!
    Practice Page 15 and thenLIGHTLY ROW on Page 16! Finger Numbers for you?

    Mystery FUN:Color the water DARK BLUE; the sky LIGHT BLUE and the rower’s shirt ORANGE, GREEN and RED  on Page 16.

Mr. Jamie’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • This week we worked as a class, together for almost the entire lesson.
  • We backtracked a little to Bad News Bears, then quickly moved forward reviewing G, keeping our fingers on the right keys, and about measures.
  • Then we learned about 3/4 and played Puppy Dog, some friends elected to solo at that point and it was clear that several of them have gone ahead as I had encouraged, to Mary Had A Little Lamb
  • HW is Hot Cross Buns on the white keys but as always they can go as far as they want and report back. 

Winds 3:20

  • We reviewed our third note, then warmed up with Puppy Dogs.
  • Then Fourth Note and Apple For Teacher.
  • Then fifth note and Bumper Cars.
  • Everyone is doing great!
  • HW is Bumper Cars for most, reviewing everything up until that point.
  • As always student who go further are welcome to do so and to share their work with the class.

Advanced Winds 4:00

  • warmed up on concert D longtones.
  • Then Cassion song a few times.
  • By the last time I had them playing it totally on their own. Excellent.
  •  Juliana wrote a really solid original song, which was just awesome.
  • We backtracked as a class to Hot Cross Buns for Atticus.
  • HW is to finish and polish what they presented to the class individually this week.
  • HW is also to choose one Holiday Song to present for next week.
  • Bonus HW is to pick and play a song from the book where the notes are not labeled

Mr. Alex’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • In class, we practiced our eighth note playing, with the Cabbage Song and exercises on page 12!
  • Homework: page 11 – 14

Piano 3:20

  • In class, we played a number of challenging songs from the book, including Ode to Joy, More Snake Charmer, Oh Susana, and More Are You Sleeping.
  • We also learned about playing a triad with the left hand, in the song Jingle Bells! Please write in the notes you need to for this song.
  • Homework: page 50, 52, 55; Jingle Bells – write in notes!

Ukulele 4:00

  • We reviewed our regular G chord on page 17, and then went on to learning a new ukulele concept: playing the melody lines of songs by plucking single notes. We learned this from page 13 to 15. You may use thumb or pointer finger on the right hand to play these single notes.
  • We also played the chords AND the single notes melody for Mary Had a Little Lamb on page 16!
  • Homework: page 10, 11, 13 – 17
  • Praneel homework: page 36 and 37

What we practiced this week- October 27th

Mrs. Suzanna’s Classes


Violin 2:40

  • EVERYONE GOT A PRACTICE CHART taped into the front cover. Please help your child write in MINUTES for each day; total up for the week & you initial!
    Today we learned about the BOW STICK and the PENCIL STICK and how similar they are! Practice picking up the PENCIL STICK between your fingers and roll it around.
    Then pick up the BOW STICK and rollit back and forth in your fingers.Then: Bend your thumb and make INDEX finger LEAN on the stick to the left. just like the drawing on page 7.
    Practice ALL songs on Page 6.
    Make sure your bow griup looks just like the drawing!!

    MYSTERY FIN: Color Farmer Dave’s hat BROWN and his overalls BLUE, On page 7, color the violinist’s shirt GREEN.

Violin 3:20

  • EVERYONE GOT A PRACTICE CHART taped into the front cover. Please help your child write in MINUTES for each day; total up for the week & you initial!
    8th Notes are “Quick-Quick”. We say “Ti-Ti””
    Practice All of Page 9 and the Lo Yisa Goy on Page 10. WRITE IN FINGER NUMBERS!!!

    MYSTERY FUN: Draw a YELLOW BANANA on the top and a BLUE BIRD on the bottom of Page 10.

Strings 4:00

  • EVERYONE GOT A PRACTICE CHART taped into the front cover. Please help your child write in MINUTES for each day; total up for the week & you initial!
    BRING YOUR BOOK every week!
    Practice Pages 12 & 13.
    We added a “ ‘ “ comma over the first rest to make us make a CIRCLE with our bow and go back to the FROG to continue.

    MYSTERY FUN: Color the french fries YELLOW and  wood BROWN on Page 12 and then on Page 13 : color the softball RED.

Mr. Jamie’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Everyone can play Hot Cross Buns on the black keys HT. Wonderful!
  • We learned G and played Bad news bears and G Wiz!
  • HW is Let’s play catch, and further if they can.

Winds 3:20

  • We warmed up with Catch That Note and Keep on Blowin.
  • We established the goal of being able to play Dreidel, Dreidel and Jingle Bells by the holidays.
  • Then we learned our third and fourth notes and played through Couch Potato, Puppy Dogs, and Apple for Teacher together. I
  • n doing this we reviewed the concept of a whole note and rest. 
  • HW is Apple for Teacher!

Advanced Winds 4:00

  • We did Victor’s March together several times. 
  • Then we started a bit of Jurassic Park.
  • We identified the notes they have the most difficulty with and added memorizing the fingerings/position/embouchure for those too.
  • Practice Victors March and Jurassic Park!

Mr. Alex’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • In class, we learned about how to play the note F; then we played some songs like Good King Applesauce! We also learned about eighth notes and played some eighth note exercises.
    Homework: page 11 – 13

Piano 3:20

  • In class, we learned about flats and sharps, and then played a song with E flat in it — More Snake Charmer on page 52! We also did the tough song Oh Susanna on page 44.
    Homework: page 30, 32, 42, 44

Ukulele 4:00

  • For ukulele class, we worked on skipping strums to be able to play each chord in rhythm with a steady beat, as in Aura Lee on page 9.
    Then we tried the Down, Down Up, Up Down strum pattern on page 10 (letter B pattern). We also learned the Am chord on page 11.
    We skipped over to page 17 to learn the regular G chord too.
    Homework: page 9, 10, 11, 16, 17
    Praneel homework: Somewhere Over The Rainbow using strum pattern on page 10 (letter B strum pattern); page 36

What we practiced this week- October 20th

Violin 2:40

  • Now we are playing on 2 strings: the D string and the A string!
  • Please practice Pages 4 & 5.
  • Make sure your bow is in the MAGIC SQUARE on the string.
  • Move your bow arm to the right and then the left.
  • Continue to SAY the notes while you PLAY the notes!  Say “REST” and do not move your bow!
  • Mystery Task: Color the puppy BROWN  and draw a dog bone on Page 4. On Page 5, color the apple RED.

Violin 3:20

  • Please check your bow grip EVERY TIME you play!  Your hand should look like the drawing on PAGE 1.
  • Do you see how the index finger is “sleeping” on the stick?
  • Is your LEFT thumb on the sticker on the violin neck?
  • Make sure these are in place before you practice every time!
  • Practice ALL songs on Pages 8 & 9.
  • Remember 8th notes are Quick-Quick.
  • Mystery Task: Color the bells yellow on Page 8 and on Page 9, color the bedspread light blue!

Strings 4:00

  • NEW: HALF NOTE gets 2 beats!! WHOLE NOTE gets 4 beats
  • Write in finger numbers if you need to!
  • Practice ALL songs on Pages 10 & 11
  • Please check you bow grip every time you play!
  • VIOLINS: your hand should look just like the drawing on Page 7. Do you see how the index finger is “sleeping” on the stick?  
  • Is your LEFT thumb on the sticker on the violin neck?
  • OWEN:: your CELLO  should be more straight (not leaning back) – so try to sit up nice and tall! Make sure your fingers are flat on the tapes.
  • Your bow grip is different from the violins. Hold the bow stick with long fingers – like you just took your hand out of a bucket of water!
  • Mystery Task: Color the mixing bowl BLUE on Page 10 and on Page 11 color the lamb’s ears BROWN.

Piano 2:40

  • We reviewed quarter notes and rests, as well as half notes and rests.
  • We did a lot of work with rhythm and counting.
  • Song-wise we focused on songs 4 – 8.
  • We branched out from the book and looked at E.
  • Some friends were able to figure out how to play Hot Cross Buns on the white keys.
  • Homework is to start with Bad News bears, and once that’s done try to go further.
  • Students who go further should show me their work next time.

Winds 3:20

  • We did a lot of work with rhythm and counting.
  • Song-wise we focused on Catch That Note and Keep on Blowin’.
  • HW is to show me one of those by next class.

Advanced Winds 4:00

  • As a challenge and upon request from the class.
  • We each shared one piece of music for the class- great job!
  • Then Dreidel, Dreidel, as a class.
  • HW is to again choose the most challenging piece possible, backtrack if it’s too much, move forward if it’s too easy, and present that to the class (or just me if you’re feeling shy).

Piano 2:40

  • worked on making sure everyone understands finger numbers and letters for their right hand
  • have them use the two description of half notes and quarter notes.
  • Homework is pg 4 and 5

Piano 3:20

  • Check each individual level of students
  • taught the students to read 8th notes rhythm while clapping.
  • Played page 12 exercises and take home to work on

Ukulele 4:00

  • today we reviewed how to play Cmaj C7 and Fmaj.
  • work on these new chords at home.

What we practiced this week- October 13th

Violin 2:40

  • Great PLUCKING with your Letter “L” index finger!
  • Today we played using the bow!
  • Make sure you are holding the bow with your finger tips and bend your thumb.
  • The bow must be in the Magic Square!
    Practice ALL ofthe songs on Page 2 & 3 with the bow now!
  • Go slow and make a nice sound!
  • Move your arm back and forth to make the bow glide across the string!
    SAY it and PLAY it – and whisper the word “rest” when you rest!

Violin 3:20

  • Beautiful playing everyone!
  • Let’s continue with ALL songs on Pages 6 & 7.
  • Remember our pencil-stick/bow-stick bow grip and POUR the Cup to the LEFT .  
  • Index finger is leaning on the bowstick!
    SAY it and PLAY it – and whisper the word “rest” when you rest!

Strings 4:00

  • Great Job EVERYONE!
    Keep on checking your bowgrip: for violins:  pencil-stick/bow-stick bow grip and POUR the Cup to the LEFT . Index finger is leaning on the bowstick!
    Cello: fingers nice and straight- NO Angle!

  • New: F#!!!     Violins: Finger 2
    Cello: Finger 3

  • Remember to put the fingers on the tapes on the D STRING!

  • Practice ALL songs on Pages 8 & 9.
    SAY it and PLAY it – and whisper the word “rest” when you rest!

Piano 2:40

  • worked on making sure everyone understands finger numbers and letters for their right hand
  • have them use the two description of half notes and quarter notes.
  • Homework is pg 4 and 5

Piano 3:20

  • Check each individual level of students
  • taught the students to read 8th notes rhythm while clapping.
  • Played page 12 exercises and take home to work on

Ukulele 4:00

  • today we reviewed how to play Cmaj C7 and Fmaj.
  • work on these new chords at home.

Piano 2:40

  • Everyone made huge strides today and we also welcomed Saihan.
  • We were able to get everyone playing Hot Cross Buns, hands together.
  • We also got all the way to Skateboard Sam in the book!

Winds 3:20

  • We talked about care for our instruments specifically how they are fragile and caring for them starts with how you open the case.
  • From there we got through pg. 1 and 2 of the book.
  • They did so wonderfully.
  • We worked both all together and in sections.
  • For next class get as far into the book as possible and be ready to share what you do with the class (or just with me if you’re feeling shy).
  • Everyone should work on embouchure.

Advanced Winds 4:00

  • As a challenge and upon request from the class.
  • We each shared one piece of music for the class- great job!
  • Then Dreidel, Dreidel, as a class.
  • HW is to again choose the most challenging piece possible, backtrack if it’s too much, move forward if it’s too easy, and present that to the class (or just me if you’re feeling shy).

What we practiced this week- October 6th

Violin 2:40

  • Today we learned how to make the Letter “L” with our Right hand; place the thumb on the corner of the black fingerboard and use Pointer Finger to PLUCK the D String!
  • Great job!!  
  • Practice all the songs on Pages 2 & 3 and remember not to play on the RESTS! The Quarter rest gets one beat of silence.
  • Try saying the note as you pluck!

Violin 3:20

  • We are working on a Beautiful Bow Grip now: Hold a pencil in your finger tips, then hold the bow stick the same way and then “turn the doorknob to the left” so that your Index finger is leaning on the stick.
  • Practice ALL songs on Pages 4 & 5. Go ON to Dreydl Dreydl if you want!!

Strings 4:00

  • Continue to work on your beautiful bow grip (see last week’s HW for instructions!)
  • Today we played many songs on the D and A strings AND we learned Finger 1 on the D string is E.
  • Remember to put your THUMB on your sticker and then put your Finger 1 on the first tape on the D string!
  • Practice all the songs on Page 6 and Page 8
  • Make sure your bow is in the MAGIC SQUARE!
  • Produce a pretty sound! 🙂

Piano 2:40

  • worked on making sure everyone understands finger numbers and letters for their right hand
  • have them use the two description of half notes and quarter notes.
  • Homework is pg 4 and 5

Piano 3:20

  • Check each individual level of students
  • taught the students to read 8th notes rhythm while clapping.
  • Played page 12 exercises and take home to work on

Ukulele 4:00

  • today we learned how to play Cmaj C7 and Fmaj.
  • work on these new chords at home.

Piano 2:40

  • We warmed up by using a metronome to play twosies (or the hill) alternatingly hands separate, then for most of them hands together.
  • Hot Cross Buns- with RH and a few got LH and hands together.
  • A Funny Pair was successful as a class, 

Advanced Winds 3:20

  • Work on your first two notes and play songs up to A Funny Pair.
  • Take a look further in the book to see if you can play a new note!

Winds 4:00

  • We warmed up and tuned on concert Bb, D, and Eb together without incident.
  • Everyone had an opportunity to play solo or duets (they asked for this).
  • Then we jumped into the book starting with Shepherd’s Hey.
  • HW- try a new song, keep working on it if it’s manageable, go back if it isn’t. 

What we practiced this week- September 29th

Violin 2:40

  • Open the case safely (Mountain on top and Valley on the bottom!)
    Pick the violin up by the neck only.

  • Not to touch the horse hair on the bow
    Tip of bow goes back in the “CAVE”

  • Books were given out: please look at PAGE 1 – locate all the parts of the violin & bow
    Everyone got a Thumb Circle Sticker for the violin neck. Remember to but your thumb tip on the circle sticker!!

  • Strings are: Good Dogs Always Eat !!


Violin 3:20

  • Quarter note – 1 beat
    Half note = 2 beats
    Whole note = 4 beats

  • Bow must be in the MAGIC SQUARE!
    Everyone got a Thumb Circle Sticker for the violin neck.

  • Remember to but your thumb tip on the circle sticker!!

  • Books were given out and we played the first 2 songs!!! Please finish this page and GO ON to Page 2 if you can!!


Strings 4:00

  • Open the case safely (Mountain on top and Valley on the bottom!)
  • Pick the violin up by the neck only.
  • Not to touch the horse hair on the bow
  • Tip of bow goes back in the “CAVE”
  • Books were given out: please look at PAGE 1 – locate all the parts of the violin & bow
  • Everyone got a Thumb Circle Sticker for the violin neck. Remember to but your thumb tip on the circle sticker!!
  • Violin Strings are: Good Dogs Always Eat !!
Cello Strings are Cars Go Driving Always!! (maybe you can make up a better one!!)
Hold the bow correctly!! :
VIOLINS: Hold a pencil in your right finger tips.Your thumb is opposite the middle finger.
Now hold the bow stick the same way; then turn your wrist to the left so that your index finger is leaning on the stick. 
(turn the doorknob to the left)
CELLO: Make believe your hand is in a bucket of water! Fingers are facing toward the floor.
Now open your fingers and place the bow in your fingertips.  Do NOT turn your wrist.
Your hand is straight.
Quarter note = 1 beat
Quarter rest = 1 beat of SILENCE (stop your bow and freeze for one beat!)
We all played the first two songs!  Great job!! See if you can play the rest of the songs on Page 2.

Piano 2:40

  • worked on making sure everyone understands finger numbers and letters for their right hand
  • have them use the two description of half notes and quarter notes.
  • Homework is pg 4 and 5

Piano 3:20

  • Check each individual level of students
  • taught the students to read 8th notes rhythm while clapping.
  • Played page 12 exercises and take home to work on

Ukulele 4:00

  • today we learned how to play Cmaj C7 and Fmaj.
  • work on these new chords at home.