Porter Ranch

Tuesdays (2:40PM - 4:40PM)

Practice the following music for our Spring Concert!

Ms. Suzanna's Classes

Violin 2:40

Piano 3:15

Violins 3:50

Piano 4:25

Ms. Desiree's Classes

Piano 2:40

Violins 3:15

Violins 3:50

Orchestra Violins 4:25

Ms. Lyn's Classes

Piano 2:40

Winds 3:15

Piano 3:50

Ukulele 4:25

Helpful Videos:

Ukulele Book Tutorials

What we practiced this week- December 7th

Ms. Suzanna’s Classes


Violin 2:40

  • Great job today playing the New Songs on Page 19!
    Go on to Page 20 and practice SHORTNIN’ BREAD. SAY the note names FIRST before you play; then SAY & PLAY at the same time!

    Mystery FUN: Draw a CAT next to the word BREAD!


Piano 3:15

  • PLEASE check your keyboards WEDNESDAY NIGHT to make sure they are in working condition for Thursday class! 🙂
    JINGLE BELLS is taped into the back of your book: practice!
    Repeat THIS OLD MAN. Make sure your finger numbewrs are written in.

    Mystery Fun: Color the Jingle Bells your favorite colors and trace over the finger numbers as they are light.


Violins 3:50

  • ARE YOU SLEEPIING? UP ON THE HOUSETOP, THIS OLD MAN and OLD MacDONALD are your songs for this week.
    Put your finger numbers in if you need!

    Mystery FUN: Draw a BLACK top hat on the old man and then draw a RED barn to the right of the word MacDonald!


Piano 4:25

  • GREAT JOB learning the JINGLE BELLS on page 66. You all have Finger numbers. Practice LEFT HAND first, then go back and play both hands measure by measure!
    Go back to Page 44 for OH, SUSANNAH. GREAT JOB learning the LEFT hand today as well! PENCIL in the rest of the RIGHT HAND fingers.
    Go S U P E R S L O W and have F U N !

    Mystery FUN: Color the Jinge Bells any color you wish and the draw a banjo next to the word SUSANNAH!


Ms. Desiree’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Today we reviewed and played Jingle Bells p66-67

  • We took turns playing for each other and

Violins 3:15

  • Today we reviewed p18,p20
    We played p22,23 and 41 Holiday songs
    We learned C#
    For next week play p20,22,24

Violins 3:50

  • Today we reviewed p18,p20
    We played p22,23 and 41 Holiday songs
    We learned Star Wars theme
    For next week play p20,22,24

Orchestra Violins 4:25

  • We played p50,p52 Green Books
    Line 1 of new Gavotte
    Jingle Bell Rock, Frosty
    For next class pick a solo song to perform


Ms. Lyn’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Today we reviewed and played Jingle Bells p66-67
  • We took turns playing for each other and did a great job!
  • Try to play all the way through without stopping!

Winds 3:15

  • Good work, my friends!
    Practice page 9, 10 and 
  • We worked on Jingle Bells, p. 19.
  • Saxophones should keep less mouthpiece in their mouths and blow slower air
  • Flutes- playing between classes is the only way to learn fingerings and make a good sound. You get out what you put in!
  • Trumpets- smile more 🙂
  • Joyce: keep working on trying to sustain a note for 8 beats (breath Support).
    Shayan: Keep working on the exercise “getting ready” in the green book. Be aware of your posture!

Piano 3:50

  • Super job, students!
    We worked on Jingle Bells. (Page 66) See finger numbers for playing in the 
  • We added our left hand C major chords in the first few measures of Jingle Bells

Ukulele 4:25

  • Beautiful playing, students!
  • HANDOUT: we played “3 Little Birds” and “Lion Sleeps Tonight” and “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
  • We talked about strumming and learned Up and Down strums
  • Practice the Strumming patterns below
    • D – DU – UDU

What we practiced this week- November 30th

Ms. Suzanna’s Classes


Violin 2:40

  • Beautiful playing everyone!  Finger 1 on the E string F# is going well!
    Practice ALL songs on Page 18.
    Remember: THUMB on THUMB CIRCLE for the WHOLE SONG!  Don’t take it away!

    Mystery FUN: Draw a CAT near the feet of the French Horn man!

Piano 3:15

  • Echo Game is FUN!  Try it at home: For MUSETTE: SAY the finger numbers of one measure, then PLAY the measure.
    Keep on goin!
    Turn Page: Practice THIS OLD MAN.  MOVE your hand over one note to the right so that Finger 1 is on the D key.
    Write in your finger numbers for measure 2 and the last line!
    Remember: the “ -“ means that your finger is MOVING!

    Mystery FUN: Color the man’s beard WHITE and draw a BLCK TOP HAT!

Violins 3:50

  • We forgot to play ARE YOU SLEEPING today!!  KEEP on practicing this song!
    Practice THIS LITTLE LIFHT OF MINE & UO ON THE HOUSETOP on Page 12.  ADD finger numbers to the songs.

    Mystery FUN: Draw GREY smoke coming out of the chimneys and color Santa’s hat red!

Piano 4:25

    Remember: with the tie – you only strike the FIRST note and then hold your fingers down for the amount of beats in both notes.
    Turn the page and start looking at OH SUSANNAH: mark in finger numbers for RIGHT HAND. Notice that your fingers will move(Finger 4 on G)…

    Mystery FUN: Draw a flower on Page 44 next to the number 61.

Ms. Desiree’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Today we reviewed p10,p11 songs
    We wrote notes p66 and  played Jingle Bells
    For next class play p10, p66
    Reminder-piano videos below

Violins 3:15

  • Today we reviewed our notes;D,E,F#,G,A
    We learned note B p17, played p18
    We learned Down and Up bow symbols
    and played p20 Jingle Bells
    For next class review p16,p18,p20

Violins 3:50

  • Today we reviewed all our notes
    We reviewed p16,p18
    We played p20 w Down,Up bows
    We played p22 ,23
    For next class review songs p16,18,20,22,23

Orchestra Violins 4:25

  • Today we played p50 ,Hunters Chorus melody
    p52 Little Night Music melody
    We played Jingle Bell Rock ,Frosty (sheets)
    For next class review p50,p52; add correct bowing

Ms. Lyn’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Great playing!
    Please remember to bring the book to class.
    We worked on Jingle Bells, right hand only, page 66.
    The letters for it are:
    3 3 3 3 3 3
    3 5 1 2 3
    4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
    3 2 2 3 2. 5
    3 3 3 3 3 3
    3 5 1 2 3
    4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
    5 5 4 2 1

Winds 3:15

  • Good work, my friends!
    Practice page 9, 10 and Jingle Bells, p. 19.
    Jingle Bells is on page
    Saxophone videos are here.
    Trumpet videos are here.
    Sydney, flute video is here. Continue working on getting your clear sound.
    Joyce: keep working on trying to sustain a note for 8 beats (breath Support).
    Shayan: Keep working on the exercise “getting ready” in the green book. Be aware of your posture!

Piano 3:50

  • Super job, students!
    We worked on Jingle Bells. (Page 66) See finger numbers for playing in the 1st grade keys section if you need them.
    We learned Twinkle, p 16 and the Cabbage song, p. 13 with eighth notes.
    Play along with fun video here. Video is segmented per page.

Ukulele 4:25

  • Beautiful playing, students!
    We played songs on pages 6, 7 and 8 in the book. We learned how to strum down AND up.
    HANDOUT: we played “3 Little Birds” and “Feliz navidad” and “Jingle Bells”
    And started learning “When the Saints” from the book, p. 19
    And Mary Had a Little Lamb, p. 16

What we practiced this week- November 9th

Ms. Suzanna’s Classes


Violin 2:40

  • Trace and Draw the Treble Clefs on Page 16!
    Everyone got a Thumb Circle for the Violin neck.
    Place your thumb on the circle and then place your Finger 1 on the 1st Tape on the E string for:
    First Finger F# on the E String!  Make sure your left hand looks like the one in the drawing on Page 17.
    Play the F#’s on Page 17 and then play MY F SHARP on page 18.
    Lift Finger 1 off when you want to play the Open E string!
    Mystery FUN: Color the horn YELLOW on Page 18.

Piano 3:15

  • Practice MUSETTE on Page 17.  Make sure your finger numbers are written in.
    Mystery FUN: Color the man’s pants GREEN and cane BROWN on page 17

Violins 3:50

  • Continue practicing ARE YOU SLEEPING.
    Practice all songs on Page 11. The Brahms piece starts with an UP BOW.

    Mystery FUN: Draw a BLACK SHEEP on top page 11

Piano 4:25

  • Practice Pages 42 & 43.
    Remember LEFT pinky Finger 5 moves to the B below that low C.
    TWO WAYS TO RACE  starts with FINGER 4 on G! 🙂

    Mystery FUN: Color the pencils YELLOW on Page 42 and the squirrel BROWN on page 43

Ms. Desiree’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Today we reviewed notes C,D,E,F,G
    We reviewed p8 Hot Cross Buns,p9,
    We reviewed p10 Mary, p11
    For next class review p10-11
    See home practice videos below

Violins 3:15

  • Today we reviewed p11-15
    We reviewed notes D,E,F#,G,A
    We played p16 Lightly Row
    For next class review p16

Violins 3:50

  • Today we reviewed p11-16
    We reviewed notes D,E,F#,G,A
    We played p18 Twinkle,p22 -24
    We learned dotted half note
    For next class play p16,18,,23,24

Orchestra Violins 4:25

  • Today we reviewed Brahms Lullaby,
    Turkey in the Straw, Gavotte
    We started Mozart ;A Little Night Music p52
    For next week review Hunter’s Chorus p50 and p52

Ms. Lyn’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Great playing! 
    Please remember to bring the book to class.
    We learned Songs on page 7 and 8 – numbers #10, 11, 13
    We warmed up with MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB using Letters (not numbers):
    E D C D E E E
    D D D E E E
    E D C D E E E
    D D E D C
    Play along with (segmented by page) video here 

Winds 3:15

  • Good work, my friends!
  • Trumpet/Saxophone/Clarinet: practice page 6, 7 AND 8 of the book. 
  • Go ahead in the book if you want – you can practice all songs on pages 9 and 10 
  • Saxophone videos are here
  • Trumpet videos are here.
  • Sydney, flute video is here. Continue working on getting your clear sound.
  • Left hand fingers: Thumb is “T” pointer finger is 1, middle is 2, ring is 3.  Right hand pointer finger is 4, middle 5, ring is 6, pinky is “P”
  • First note “D’ in the blue book, use fingers T   2 3 4 5 6. 
  • E flat (second note in the book), use fingers T 2 3 4 5 6 P 
  • If you get to it:
  • F (3rd note in the book) use fingers T 1 2 3 4 P
  • G (4th note in the book) T 1 2 3 P
  • A (5th note) T 1 2 P 
  • Joyce: keep working on trying to sustain a note for 8 beats (breath Support).
  • Shayan: Keep working on the exercise “getting ready” in the green book. Be aware of your posture!

Piano 3:50

  • Super job, students!
  • We played songs on pages 8, 9 10 and 11. Play along with fun video here. Video is segmented per page. 
  • Pay attention – are the notes quarter notes or half notes or whole notes? 

Ukulele 4:25

  • Beautiful playing, students!
  • We played songs on pages 6, 7 and 8 in the book.  We learned how to strum down AND up. 
  • HANDOUT: we played “3 Little Birds” and “My Darling Clementine” 
  • If you need chord G7 chord review, See video  here.

What we practiced this week- November 2nd

Ms. Suzanna’s Classes


Violin 2:40

  • Don’t forget about your PRACTICE CHART!!  Write in MINUTES!
    Great job today! We played many songs with HALF NOTES – they get 2 beats each!
    Please practice ALL the songs on Pagee 14 & 15.
    Remember to SAY IT & PLAY IT.

    Mystery FUN: Color the Karate belts BLACK on Page 14 and the the skateboard RED on Page 15!

Piano 3:15

  • Don’t forget about your PRACTICE CHART!!  Write in MINUTES!
    Today we played songs that had our Finger 5 (pinky) play on the G and on the A keys!
    Practice TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR on Page 16. Start looking at MUSETTE on Page 17 (write finger numbers in now!!)

    Mystery FUN: Color the star YELLOW and then draw/ color 6 more stars in the big spaces between the music!

Violins 3:50

  • Don’t forget about your PRACTICE CHART!!  Write in MINUTES!
    Repeat ARE YOU SLEEPING, Practice MUSETTE and then go on to LO YISA GOY on Page 10.
    Make sure you have your finger numbers written in!

    Mystery FUN: Draw a lion next to the word MUSETTE and then on Page 10, draw a cat next to the word GOY.

Piano 4:25

  • Don’t forget about your PRACTICE CHART!!  Write in MINUTES!
    Great job playing Page 39 with all the RIGHT HAND versus LEFT HAND!
    Practice GO TELL AUNT RHODY on Page 40 AND the GROUP DUET on the bottom.
    Make sure you have your finger numbers written in!

    Mystery FUN: Color Aunt Rhody’s hair RED and then draw a cat next to her.

Ms. Desiree’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Today we reviewed all our notes:C,D,E,G
    We reviewed p8-10
    We played new note:F p11 and wrote note names
    For next class play p10-11
    See home practice videos below

Violins 3:15

  • Today we reviewed notes;D,E,F#
    We played songs p11-14
    We learned new note G p15
    For next class play p16 Lightly Row

Violins 3:50

  • Today we reviewed notes;D,E,F#,G
    We reviewed songs p11-15
    We learned new note B:p17
    For next class review p16 , play p18 Twinkle

Orchestra Violins 4:25

  • Today we reviewed 2Octave scales:C,D,G
    We played Mozart, Turkey in the Straw
    We started Hunter’s Chorus
    For next week review Gavotte and play to 23 Hunter’s Chorus

Ms. Lyn’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Students, good work!
    -SPIDER fingers.
    Pointer Finger 1 (right hand) is C. Middle Finger 2 is D, Ring finger 3 is E. Pinky 5 is G.
    Please remember to bring the book to class!
    NEW: We learned how to play Songs #8, 9 and 10.
    Play along with (segmented by page) video here
    For fun: review Mary Had a Little Lamb and Hot Cross Buns.

Winds 3:15

  • Terrific work, my friends!
  • Trumpet/Saxophone/Clarinet: practice page 6 and 7 of the book. Be able to play “Bumper Cars” and songs on page 7. 
  • Review all your first 5 notes and their fingerings. 
  • Saxophone videos are here
  • Trumpet videos are here.
  • Sydney, flute video is here. Continue working on getting your clear sound.
  • Left hand fingers: Thumb is “T” pointer finger is 1, middle is 2, ring is 3.  Right hand pointer finger is 4, middle 5, ring is 6, pinky is “P”
  • First note “D’ in the blue book, use fingers T   2 3 4 5 6. 
  • E flat (second note in the book), use fingers T 2 3 4 5 6 P 
  • F (3rd note in the book) use fingers T 1 2 3 4 P
  • G (4th note in the book) T 1 2 3 P
  • A (5th note) T 1 2 P 
  • Joyce: continue working on sustaining a note for 8 beats (breath Support).
  • Shayan: exercise “getting ready” in the green book. Posture!

Piano 3:50

  • Nice job, students!
  • We learned how to play pages 8 and 9. 
  • Half notes (2 beats) and whole notes (4 beats)- hold down the key for the correct number of beats. 
  • Play along with fun video here. Video is segmented per page. 

Ukulele 4:25

  • Excellent playing, students!
  • HANDOUT – “My Darling Clementine” “Mary Had a Little Lamb”,  
  •  “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”. NEW song: “Three Little Birds” 
  • If you need chord G7 chord review, See video  here.

What we practiced this week- October 26th

Ms. Suzanna’s Classes


Violin 2:40

  • Everyone got a PRACTICE CHART taped into the inner front cover! Please write in the MINUTES you practice each day; total and parents initial.
  • Great Job today! E string and A string. Practice PING PONG on Page 12 .
  • Page 13 is a new nots: HALF NOTE – it gets 2 beats. Trace and then draw the HALF NOTES on Page 13.
  • Mystery FUN: Color the ping pong table GREEN on Page 12 and then on Page 13: color the violin case PURPLE!

Piano 3:15

  • Everyone got a PRACTICE CHART taped into the inner front cover! Please write in the MINUTES you practice each day; total and parents initial.
  • FINISH #25: SPRING THEME.  Write in your finger numbers ASAP so you can practice the RIGHT way!
  • Mystery FUN: on Page 15, draw a red APPLE under the staff that has the new note A on top left.

Violins 3:50

  • Everyone got a PRACTICE CHART taped into the inner front cover! Please write in the MINUTES you practice each day; total and parents initial.
  • Please practice ARE YOU SLEEPING? on Page 9.
  • Write in your finger numbers if you need them!!
  • Go on to MUSETTE if you want!
  • Mystery FUN:  Color the bedspread BLUE on Page 9!

Piano 4:25

  • Everyone got a PRACTICE CHART taped into the inner front cover! Please write in the MINUTES you practice each day; total and parents initial.
  • Practice HUGH JUMP on Page 37 (see how fast you can go!!) and then SOCCER CHAMP on Page 38.
  • Watch out for those “X’s”!
  • Mystery FUN: Color the high jumper’s sneakers YELLOW on Page 37 and then color the soccer ball ORANGE on Page 38.

Ms. Desiree’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Today we reviewed notes C,D,E,G. We played p8
    We reviewed whole notes p9, we played p10
    We learned new note F p11
    For next class play p9-11

Violins 3:15

  • Today we reviewed p8;note E, p9 note F#
    We learned new half notes,whole notes p10
    We played songs p10-12
    For next class play songs p11-14

Violins 3:50

  • Today we reviewed notes E,F#:p8-10
    We learned half notes ,whole notes p11
    We learned new note G;p15
    For next class play p12-16

Orchestra Violins 4:25

  • We played thru some fun new songs;
    Hedwig,Adams Family, Jurassic Park
    We reviewed Gavotte lines 1-4 and played thru
    the end.
    For next class play all of Gavotte.

Ms. Lyn’s Classes


Piano 2:40

  • Students, good work! 
  • Everyone was doing a great job of using their SPIDER fingers.
  • We reviewed  that finger 1 (right hand) is C. Finger 2 is D, finger 3 is E. 
  • NEW: We are now playing songs from the book. Please remember to bring the book to class.
  • We learned how to play Songs on page 4 and 5. 
  • Play along with (segmented by page) video here 
  • For fun: Play Mary Had a Little Lamb and Hot Cross Buns from last week’s homework. 

Winds 3:15

  • Grand work, my friends!
  • Trumpet/Saxophone/Clarinet: practice page 5 and 6 of the book. Be able to play “Bumper Cars”
  • We learned our 5th note (top of page 6).
  • Go ahead in the book if you want. 
  • Saxophone videos are here
  • Trumpet videos are here.
  • Sydney, flute video is here. Continue working on getting your clear sound.
  • Left hand fingers: Thumb is “T” pointer finger is 1, middle is 2, ring is 3.  Right hand pointer finger is 4, middle 5, ring is 6, pinky is “P”
  • First note “D’ in the blue book, use fingers T   2 3 4 5 6. 
  • E flat (second note in the book), use fingers T 2 3 4 5 6 P 
  • If you get to it:
  • F (3rd note in the book) use fingers T 1 2 3 4 P
  • G (4th note in the book) T 1 2 3 P
  • A (5th note) T 1 2 P 
  • Joyce: working on trying to sustain a note for 8 beats (breath Support).
  • Shayan is working on the exercise “getting ready” in the green book. Be aware of your posture!

Piano 3:50

  • Nice job, students!
  • Review: Handout – attached to the book: The Addams Family theme. 
  • Be able to play fingers 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 starting with right thumb on the C key. 
  • We learned how to play pages 6 and 7. Play along with fun video here. Video is segmented per page. 
  • Optional: practice page 8.

Ukulele 4:25

  • Excellent playing, students!
  • Be sure you know chords C, C7, and F and our new chord G7. 
  • HANDOUT – “Hokey Pokey” and “Mary Had a Little Lamb”, “You Are My Sunshine”, 
  • “Feliz Navidad” and “Jingle Bells” and NEW song The Lion Sleeps Tonight.
  • If you need chord G7 chord review, See video  here.

What we practiced this week- October 19th

Violin 2:40

  • GREAT WORK TODAY!!  You have really mastered NOT playing on the Rests!!  YAY!!
  • New Note: the A string: next door neighbor to the E string!
  • New Rest: WHOLE rest gets 4 beats of silence!!
  • SAY the notes and rests as you PLAY !!
  • Practice all the songs on Pages 10 & 11
  • Mystery Task: Color the guitar BROWN and draw a happy face on the Guitar Man on Page 11.

Piano 3:15

  • GREAT Job on the 8th notes today!
  • Practice ALL the songs on Page 13 (write in your finger numbers to help you!) then,
  • Turn the page and CLAP the rhythm of the first 2 lines of SPRING THEME on Page 14.  
  • Then Write in your finger numbers!
  • Remember that a dotted half note gets 3 beats!
  • Mystery Task:  Color the bird RED and draw an orange sun above it’s tail on page 14.

Violins 3:50

  • You all sounded very very nice today!!  Keep on practicing!
  • Warm up with The Bridge at Avignon on Page 7 and then Practice ALL songs on Page 8.
  • Write in your finger numbers right away so that you can practice with confidence!
  • Mystery Task: Color the bells YELLOW and draw a smiley face at the top of Page 8

Piano 4:25

  • Great job with the CROSS OVER SECONG FINGER on Page 29 review and then Bass Clef G & A on Page 34!
  • Warm up with Page 34 – don’t forget the TIE – you must hold down the note for the TOTAL amount of bests of both notes!
  • Practice LONDON BRIDGE on Page 35. ADD finger numbers in Measures 6, 7 & 8.
  • Mystery Task: Color the G key YELLOW and the A key BLUE on the keyboard on top of Page 34.

Piano 2:40

  • Today we reviewed p8;note G.
  • We played
    p9 and learned dotted half note.
  • We played p8;new note E
  • For next class play p7-8

Violins 3:15

  • Today we reviewed p5-8;notes D,A,and E
  • We played p9; note F#
  • For next week review p8-9

Violins 3:50

  • Today we reviewed p5-8;notes D,A,and E
  • We played p9; note F#
  • For next week review p8-10

Orchestra Violins 4:25

  • Today we reviewed D,C,G scale 2 octaves.
  • We played Brahms Lullaby .
  • We played Gavotte
    and Turkey in the Straw.
  • For next week review Brahms (focus on slurs),
    review Gavotte up to line 5 and Turkey in the Straw

Piano 2:40

  • Students, very nice work!
    (Parents please encourage students to eat extra big lunches on Thursdays so your child is not hungry during our class.)
    Everyone was doing a great job of using their SPIDER fingers.
    We learned that finger 1 (right hand) is C. Finger 2 is D, finger 3 is E.
  • We played our easy finger number version of MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB
    3 2 1 2 3 3 3
    2 2 2 3 3 3
    3 2 1 2 3 3 3
    2 2 3 2 1
  • And we played easy finger HOT CROSS BUNS
    3 2 1 3 2 1
    1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
    3 2 1
  • Optional: Play along with fun video here for pages 3-4.

Winds 3:15

  • Super work, my friends!
    Clarinet and Saxophone. Be sure not to touch the tip of the reed.  
    Assemble the instrument; a video for clarinets to help with the reed and the assembly as well as playing
    Is  here.
    Trumpet/Saxophone/Clarinet: practice page 4 and 5 of the book. Go ahead in the book if your want. 
    Saxophone videos are here
    Trumpet videos are here.
    Sydney, flute video is here. When you are ready, follow the video to assemble your flute
    Left hand fingers: Thumb is “T” pointer finger is 1, middle is 2, ring is 3.  Right hand pointer finger is 4, middle 5, ring is 6, pinky is “P”
    First note “D’ in the blue book, use fingers T   2 3 4 5 6. 
    E flat (second note in the book), use fingers T 2 3 4 5 6 P 

Piano 3:50

  • Great job, students!
  • Review: Handout – attached to the book: The Addams Family theme. 
  • Be able to play fingers 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 starting with right thumb on the C key. 
  • We learned how to play pages 6 and 7. Play along with fun video here. Video is segmented per page. 
  • Go ahead in the book if you want.

Ukulele 4:25

  • Excellent playing, students!
  • We learned how to play page 4 and top of page 5 in the book.  Be sure you know chords C, C7, and F and our new chord G7. 
  • HANDOUT – “Hokey Pokey” and “Mary Had a Little Lamb”, You Are My Sunshine, 
  • Feliz Navidad and Jingle Bells.
  • If you need chord G7 chord review, See video  here.

What we practiced this week- October 12th

Piano 2:40

  • Today we reviewed p3;notes C,D, rests
  • We reviewed p4 half notes and played p4-5
  • We learned new note G p6 (pinky)
  • For next class play p4,5,6
  • Home practice video here

Violins 3:15

  • Today we reviewed p5,6;notes A,D and rests
  • We learned new note E p8
  • For next class play p8

Violins 3:50

  • Today we reviewed p5,6;notes A,D and rests
  • We learned new note E p8, F# p9
  • For next class play p8 and 9
Remember good playing posture and bow hold

Orchestra Violins 4:25

  • Today we reviewed C,G and D scale 2octave, 
  • We reviewed p28 Vivaldi
  • We played Mozart duet p38, Brahms p44
  • We read thru Bach Gavotte sheet music
  • For next class play p28 faster , practice Brahms (melody)
  • and Gavotte.

Violin 2:40

  • Rest = Silence!  Freeze!
  • Practice ALL songs on the E (Top) string on Pages 8 & 9!
  • Draw in Happy Faces in 5 people!   Color their clothes!

Piano 3:15

  • 8th notes are quick! We say Ti-Ti!! 
  • First SAY the rhythm while clapping like we did in class:
  • Ta  Ta  Ti-Ti  Ta
  • Ti-Ti  Ta  Ta  Ta …
  • Practice ALL of Pages 12 & 13.
  • Write in your finger numbers if you need to!

Violins 3:50

  • Practice ALL songs on Pages 5, 6 & 7!
  • Try to practice at least 3 times this week!
  • Make a beautiful sound: stay in the Magic Square and remember to hold the bowstick the new and better way!

Piano 4:25

  • Practice all songs up to song #49.  If you want to: pick a song PAST #49 and prepare it for next week’s class!
  • The B below the Middle C can be reached with Finger 2 by crossing over Finger 1: and as David brought up – can also be played with Finger 1 as well!
  • It’s good to know how to play it 2 ways!  You never know which way will be better for your song!
  • The Tie is just like the “+” in addition!  Just hold down your finger(s) for as many beats the 2 notes add up to! Do Not Re-strike note!
  • Next week: we travel to the Bass Clef on Page 34 and play G & A with Finger 1 with the LEFT hand!

Piano 2:40

  • Everyone was doing a great job of using their SPIDER fingers.
    Thumb is 1and sits on the C key.
    Pointer is 2 and sits on the D key.
    Middle finger is 3 and sits on the E key.
    Ringer is 4 and sits on the F key
    Pinky is 5 and sits on the G key
    You can play along with Orchestra Place teacher Miss Suzanna (using our book!) here with the video.
    Practice Song #1 and Song #2.
    Optional: Read page 3 and play the songs on p. 3.

Winds 3:15

  • Excellent work, my friends!
  • Beginners: Assemble your instrument. Watch and play along with the videos below.
  • Practice the songs on the first page of the blue book.   Be sure to aim for long smooth sounds. 
  • Clarinet: Be sure not to touch the tip of the reed. Assemble the instrument; a video to help with the reed and the assembly as well as playing is here.
  • Trumpet: practice page 1 of the book. Go ahead in the book if you want. Trumpet videos are here .  
  •  Saxophone: Blow  more softly than you think! Beginning saxophone videos are here. Go ahead in the book if you want!
  • Flute: 
  • Sydney: practice on your head joint until you can consistently make a sound.  Say “Pooooooooo”.  Look in the mirror. 
  • Check out this video here
  • Also, there are flute videos available here (including more available on the right side of the page).
  • Joyce and Shayan:
    Pick a song in the green book to play in class. Write out your note names if you need to.
    Optional: learn the melody AND harmony for “Aura Lee” in the green book page 40. 

Piano 3:50

  • Great job, students!
    Practice using your spider fingers on the keyboard, one finger per white key.
    You can play along with Orchestra Place teacher Miss Suzanna (using our book!) here with the video.
    Practice page 4 and 5.
    For HALF notes, hold the key down for 2 beats.
    Go ahead in the book if you want.

Ukulele 4:25

  • Super playing, students!
    Last week we played page 2 in the book. Be sure you know chords C, C7, and F.
    HANDOUT – please always bring this to class. Practice the “Hokey Pokey” and “Mary Had a Little Lamb”.

What we practiced this week- October 5th

Piano 2:40

  • We reviewed p2 today;C,D and rests
    Remember RIGHT THUMB on Middle C, POINTER on D
  • We learned new half notes-2Beats p3
    For next class play p2-3
  • Home practice video HERE

Violins 3:15

  • We reviewed our playing position and played
  • pg2-5. For next class review p5, play p6

Violins 3:50

  • We reviewed our playing position and played
  • pg2-5. For next class review p5, play p6

Orchestra Violins 4:25

  • We reviewed C scale and played p28, Vivaldi
  • We played p38 duet ;Mozart Processional
  • For next class review p28 faster tempo.
  • Play p38; remember F and C naturals

Violin 2:40

  • Great class! Today we learned all 4 Strings G D A E; how to hold the bow and place the bow in the Magic
  • Square on the strings!
  • Practice playing 4 G’s, the 4 D’s, then 4 A’s and ending with 4 E’s.
  • Make sure your bow is just on the one string.
  • You learned what a quarter note is! 1 beat!
  • Trace and draw on Page 5
  • Play the notes on Page 6!
  • Trace and draw the # and Quartet rest on Page 7.
  • Remember to hold the bow like I showed you with a pencil stick; then Presto ChangeO- replace with bow stick!

Piano 3:15

  • Fun class! Remember to curve your fingers!!
  • Practice all songs in Pages 10 & 11.

Violins 3:50

  • Remember to bring your book to class!
  • Arpi: write in finger numbers for all of your notes.
  • Practice all songs on Pages 4 & 5.
    Bow grip upgrade!!
  • Thumb goes under the stick – not the frog!
  • Remember to hold the bow like I showed you with a pencil stick; then Presto ChangeO- replace with bow stick!

Piano 4:25

  • Great Class!

  • Practice songs 40-43.

  • Extra credit song 47 😃


Piano 2:40

  • Everyone was doing a great job of using their SPIDER fingers.
  • Thumb is 1and sits on the C key.
  • Pointer is 2 and sits on the D key.
  • Middle finger is 3 and sits on the E key.
  • Ringer is 4 and sits on the F key
  • Pinky is 5 and sits on the G key
  • You can play along with Orchestra Place teacher Miss Suzanna (using our book!) here with the video.
  • Practice Song #1 and Song #2.
  • Optional: Read page 3 and play the songs on p. 3.

Winds 3:15

  • Excellent work, my friends!
  • Beginners: Assemble your instrument. Watch and play along with the videos below.
  • Practice the songs on the first page of the blue book. Be sure to aim for long smooth sounds.
  • Clarinet: Be sure not to touch the tip of the reed. Assemble the instrument; a video to help with the reed and the assembly as well as playing is here.
  • Trumpet: practice page 1 of the book. Go ahead in the book if you want. Trumpet videos are here .
  • Saxophone: Blow more softly than you think! Beginning saxophone videos are here. Go ahead in the book if you want!
  • Flute:
    Sydney: practice on your head joint until you can consistently make a sound. Say “Pooooooooo”. Look in the mirror.
    Check out this video here
    Also, there are flute videos available here (including more available on the right side of the page).
  • Joyce and Shayan:
    Pick a song in the green book to play in class. Write out your note names if you need to.
    Optional: learn the melody AND harmony for “Aura Lee” in the green book page 40.

Piano 3:50

  • Great job, students!
    Practice using your spider fingers on the keyboard, one finger per white key.
    You can play along with Orchestra Place teacher Miss Suzanna (using our book!) here with the video.
  • Practice page 4 and 5.
    For HALF notes, hold the key down for 2 beats.
  • Go ahead in the book if you want.

Ukulele 4:25

  • Super playing, students!
  • Last week we played page 2 in the book. Be sure you know chords C, C7, and F.
  • HANDOUT – please always bring this to class. Practice the “Hokey Pokey” and “Mary Had a Little Lamb”.

What we practiced this week- September 28th

Piano 2:40

So nice meeting all my new musician friends. We had fun learning our
finger numbers and finding our notes Middle C and D.
We played p2 :Our First Song , Notes and Rests
For next class review p2 – this video will help w home practice:
Have fun!

Violins 3:15

Great first day everyone! We had fun learning about our violin and bow.
We learned playing position and our string names.
We learned how our bow arm works.
For next class review the parts p1 and try p2 playing on your ‘D’ string.
Have fun!

Violins 3:50

Great first day everyone! We had fun learning about our violin and bow.
We learned playing position and our string names.
We learned how our bow arm works.
For next class review the parts p1 and try p2 playing on your ‘D’ string.
Have fun!

Orchestra Violins 4:25

Nice to see my old friends! We reviewed G and C scales. We reviewed
some songs and played thru some of p28 ;Concerto in A minor.
We talked about 3rd position and shifting.
For next class review C scale , shift to 3rd position on the E string for the
last 3 notes; A,B,C
Practice p28 ;Concerto in Amin
Have fun!

Violin 2:40

  •   Today we learned how to open up the case and safely take out the violin & bow!
            The Bow tip goes back in the cave!
            We pick up the violin by the neck only and sit in the waiting position.
            Our Blue Book is great and the first page has all of the parts of the violin & bow – please look that over!
            The 4 strings are: G  D  A  E  You can remember by saying Good Dogs Always Eat! 🙂


Piano 3:15

  • Great Class today!! We went over the FINGER NUMBERS!!  MIDDLE C has a sticker on each keyboard: place RIGHT Thumb on the Middle C.

  • In the first few weeks, we will do review to get everyone on the same page.  Don’t worry: it’s not a race!

  • Look at the first few pages for next week.
            Make sure your batteries are in working order for next week!

  • ALSO: REMINDER: Each page has a video tutorial online with me!!  Look at the back cover of the book and go online for each page!


Violins 3:50

  • Great class today! Everyone has a Thumb Circle Sticker for the left hand.
  • Place your thumb on the sticker each time you play.
  • The “Magic Square” is where your bow must be on the strings to get a GREAT sound!
    Quarter Note = 1 beat Half Note = 2 beats Whole note = 4 beats
  • Practice all the songs on Page 3 for next week!
  • If you want to go on: do it!
  • Practice Page 4 as well!!
    Remember to lean into the string for a nice sound!

Piano 4:25

  • So nice to see my friends from last year!!

  • The first few weeks we will be reviewing – not to worry!

  • Please take a moment and make sure you remember the notes and finger numbers: pencil in anything you need to!

  • Start from Page 1 and see if you remember the songs—keep on going in the book.

  • Practice #26 Twinkle; #28 This Old Man and #37 Cha Cha Cha.


  • ALSO: REMINDER: Each page has a video tutorial online with me!! Look at the back cover of the book and go online for each page!

Piano 2:40

  • Homework:
    Great job today, students!
    Practice using your spider fingers on the keyboard, one finger per white key.
    You can play along with Orchestra Place teacher Miss Suzanna (using our book!) here with the video. 
    Practice page 2 and page 3.  Be able to play 4 C’s (with thumb), 4 D’s (with pointer finger)  4 C’s (with thumb) Play 4 C’s 4 D’s 4 C’s as in Song number 1 on page 3.

Winds 3:15

  • HW:
    Wonderful job today of patiently getting to know our instruments and playing some sounds/notes/tunes.
    Beginners: Assemble your instrument. Watch these helpful videos below!
    Joyce and Shayan:
    Pick a song in the green book to play in class.  Write out your note names if you need to. 
    Optional: learn the melody AND harmony for “Aura Lee”  in the green book page 40.

Piano 3:50

  • HW:
    Great job, students!
    Practice using your spider fingers on the keyboard, one finger per white key.
    You can play along with Orchestra Place teacher Miss Suzanna (using our book!) here with the video. 
    Practice page 2 and page 3 and 4.  Be able to play 4 C’s (with thumb), 4 D’s (with pointer finger)  4 C’s (with thumb)  
    Page 4 has HALF notes that you hold your finger down for 2 beats.
    Go ahead in the book if you want.

Ukulele 4:25

  • HW:
    Super playing, students!
    We played page 2 in the book. 
    Be sure you know: First page: the parts of the ukulele, the names of the strings of the ukulele 
    Page 2: chords C, C7 and F.
    Play along with Orchestra Place teacher Mr. Alex here

Ukulele Chords